Movies about TV: The List
Sat, 24 Jun 1995 16:39:34 -0400
I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my request for
films about TV. Here in alphabetical order are the film titles
sent to me.
The Anderson Tapes
Annie Hall
Broadcast News
Bye-Bye Birdie
The China Syndrome
"Dammit" from Spirits of the Dead (Fellini episode)
Expresso Bongo
A Face in the Crowd
The Great Man
The Groove Tube
Groundhog Day
Hannah and Her Sisters
A Hard Day's Night
He Said, She Said
International House
It's Always Fair Weather
Jailhouse Rock
King of Comedy
Meet Mr Lucifer
Murder by Television
My Favorite Year
Nothing in Common
Quiz Show
Running Man
Seven Days in May
Soap Dish
Switching Channels
Television Spy
The Thrill of it All
Twonkie (?)
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter
Simon and Laura
Gordon Peffer
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