Star Trek fanzines
Fri, 6 Mar 1992 08:48:00 EDT
RE: recent posts about Star Trek fan fiction:
The address for Datazine is P.O. Box 249590 Denver CO 80224
Penley - author of many of the sources already posted - also
wrote a chapter about slash zines in _Technoculture_
(Constance Penley and Andrew Ross (eds.) Minneapolis: University
of Minnesota Press, 1991). Her bibliography includes all the titles
posted to this list so far and a few others.
_Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of
Popular Myth_ by Camille Bacon-Smith (Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1992) is also supposed to cover fanzines
but I haven't been able to find a copy in any bookstore.
Bacon-Smith wrote an article for the _New York Times Book Review_
(Nov 16, 1986, p. 1,26,28) as well. She and Penley seem to be the
experts in the field.
Is that your perception Jeremiah?
Although all the books and articles focus on ST, fanzines exist
for almost every SF and adventure show: even those long off the air:
Man From UNCLE, The Prisoner, Battlestar Galactica, Blake's 7 (isn't
that right, Liam? 8-)
Many zines are slash, but a lot are also - for lack of a better
word - straight.
I'd like to know who came up with the idea that the authors, who
are usually women, must be lesbians? What a bizarre thought!