Re: Hollywood Sign in Films
Fri, 18 Jul 1997 22:12:14 -0700
Well, so long as we're moving into matters non-cinematic, when California
decriminalized marijuana in the late-'70s (said statute, like all others in
the state, becoming institutionalized at midnight on New Year's Eve
following passage by the legislature and governor), vandals altered the
sign to read "Hollyweed."
Memories, as Dino sang, are made of these...
Shawn Levy
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At 09:56 PM 7/18/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-07-17 13:19:10 EDT, Chris Ames
>([log in to unmask] ) wrote:
>>> I am doing some research on the HOLLYWOOD or HOLLYWOODLAND sign as a
>>> sort of icon for Hollywood--the movie industry and its milieu. As
>>> part of that research I am looking for movies and novels that contain
>>> significant scenes involving the sign (in addition to the hundreds of
>>> films that simply use a shot of the sign to establish place). <snipped>
>I lived in a suburb of LA from June '78 through July '79 - a period of time
>in which one of the O's in the "wood" part of the Hollywood sign was missing
>(from a mudslide, if memory serves). If in your research you come across a
>film where the sign appears in its o-less state, I'd be interested in
>knowing, just for nostalgia's sake.
> Jeanne Krebs
> Baltimore, MD
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