Subtitling/Dubbing Clarification
Tue, 28 Feb 1995 16:13:54 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I received an interesting response from Melissa Tonelli
<[log in to unmask]> re: subtitling/dubbing of foreign
films (it remains to be seen whether it will posted on
SCREEN-L; I hope so)-
>[...] dubbing Hollywood films for Italian-speaking viewers
>is a huge industry in Rome ...on my annual vacation I get
>to see four or five movies (mostly last year's Hollywood
>blockbusters) dubbed into Italian.
Although this is a useful and informative response, I did
not have it in mind to consider the subtitling/dubbing of
Hollywood blockbusters. This is about as much of an issue
to me as whether one may go abroad with an American
Express card. I guess I deplore the imposition of Holly-
wood culture, and its inane distortions of American life
on the whole damn planet. Would instead that Italy could
support a viable industry of Fellinis and Passolinis to
rival Hollywood.
I really want to know what happens to films that are trans-
lated (i.e. dubbed/subtitled) for us (on the whole) unilingual
North American film buffs. Which probably doesn't apply to
all the erudite, worldly etc. sophisticates of SCREEN-L.
This isn't intended to be a snub or a put-down of anyone-
I much appreciated Melissa Tonelli's response and I hope
it gets posted. Also I would welcome any reactions to the
above comments...
David Smith
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