New Screen-L Moderator
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 07:18:13 -0500
Please welcome Screen-L's new moderator, Xiaolei Hao.
Xiaolei is a graduate student in Telecommunication and Film here at the
University of Alabama. She'll be in charge during the current school year
of filtering out spam and other inappropriate messages to Screen-L.
We here at Screen-L Central feel that the list should be moderated as
little as possible. In fact, when we began Screen-L it was completely
unmoderated, but then the amount of spam substantially increased in the
mid-1990s and we had to switch to a moderated system. Xiaolei's charge has
been to filter as little as possible, but she will be looking for the
following inappropriate messages:
1. Personal attacks on individuals.
Healthy disagreement and differing opinions are welcome, but when that
disagreement turns into venomous insults and hateful verbal assaults it
will not be tolerated.
2. Comments that have absolutely, totally, fundamentally nothing to do with
the study of film or television.
Screen-L messages should somehow relate to the study of film and TV, not
just the casual enjoyment of these media. This is interpreted rather
broadly. Postings to Screen-L need not be dry, didactic treatises from
which all joy has been crushed. But also, they should not noodle on about,
say, the poster's penchant for full-lipped actors.
3. Personal notes to individual Screen-L subscribers.
4. Posts that duplicate information that has already appeared on Screen-L.
If someone asks what "rosebud" was in CITIZEN KANE, only one reply will be
5. Messages that quote many lines from a previous Screen-L message and then
add a short comment (e.g., "I agree!").
6. Discussion about Screen-L itself. There are exceptions to this--such as
when new Screen-L policies are being debated. But, in general, comments
about the list should be directed to its moderator rather than to the group
as a whole.
7. Requests for jobs in film/video production. Very few persons who do the
hiring for film/video jobs read Screen-L. There are better, more
professionally oriented forums for this sort of post.
8. Inordinately long posts--say, over 200 lines.
Screen-L is designed for the interchange of messages. Longer essays are
generally not appropriate.
9. Messages with files attached to them.
File attachments are the most common way viruses and Internet worms are
Incidentally, should you ever become interested in the history of Screen-L
since its first message on "Fri, 15 Mar 91 19:42:11 CST," you may find an
archive of all of its messages at:
Jeremy Butler
Screen-L Coordinator
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Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: