RE: Semester's End & SCREEN-L
Fri, 19 Apr 91 09:38:41 CDT
On Thu, 18 Apr 91 20:32:34 EST Patrick said:
>Correct me if I get this wrong, Jeremy, but if people are keeping the
>same e-mail address, but just going away from their computers for
>awhile, they can stop their SCREEN-L mail for the time being without
>unsubscribing altogether. All they need to do is send the command SET SCREEN-L
>NOMAIL to the LISTSERV. This is a handy command to use, too, if the
>mail-flow just gets too heavy at any given time. To get the mail
>started again, they just send the command SET SCREEN-L MAIL to the
>same place. Neat, huh?
Good point, Patrick! I'd forgotten about the NOMAIL option.
Remember: that command, like the SIGNOFF command, must be sent to
LISTSERV@UA1VM (or [log in to unmask], for Internet addresses), not
to [log in to unmask] And remember also that the command must be the
first line in your e-mail text. Folks whose e-mail puts headers in
the text itself will have to have me delete them from this end.
Yers in listserving...
Speeds of animals (in mph):
28 Human
0.03 Garden snail
1.17 Spider (Tegenaria atrica)
30 Cat
40 Mongolian wild ass
70 Cheetah
| | Bitnet : JBUTLER@UA1VM |
| Jeremy G. Butler - - - - - - - - - - | Internet : [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator | GEnie : J.BUTLER27 |
| |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |