"Whiteness" Anthology -- Your Assistance Requested
Tue, 11 Oct 1994 20:56:15 -0500
Barbara Eckstein and I are editing a collection of essays (with new and
reprinted material, primary and secondary material) about the
representation of "whiteness" by people of color. Barbara and I feel that
this work is crucial in "racializing whiteness," i.e., in denying the idea
that people of color are racially marked while whiteness is the absence of
racial markers. The collection will span the 20th Century and will speak
to a wide variety of media -- fiction, film, ethnographic interview,
television, poetry, drama, performance, advertising, etc. We also insist
on collecting works from as many positions "of color" as possible (i.e.,
not just "African American representations of whites/whiteness").
Our prospective publisher would like to know the prospects of such a
collection being used as a class text. I am therefore writing to survey
information about departments on your campus. What kinds of classes which
theorize race and ethnicity are already offered or on the books? In what
contexts could you envision this collection being taught? Our expectation
is that the book would be used at the graduate level, but we are
interested in prospective undergraduate uses as well.
Please e-mail me directly <[log in to unmask]> rather than posting to
this list-server. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Peter Feng