Q&A with Allen Coulter and 30th Anniversary Screening of "Amadeus" with production team (9/26 & 9/28, Sacred Heart U/FTMA, Stamford, CT)
Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:57:42 +0000
Dear Tri-State/Connecticut Area Screen-Lers,
We have some spots left for our 9/26 screening of Boardwalk Empire followed by Q&A with director Allen Coulter ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0002339 ), and for our 30th anniversary screening of Amadeus on 9/28 with the film's executive producer Michael Hausman, writer Sir Peter Shaffer and actor Tom Hulce (see the link below to reserve your free tickets).
Sacred Heart University recently launched an MA in film and television production (FTMA) in Stamford, CT and these events are part of the first FTMA student film festival. Other highlights include:
* Screening of Lucky Them ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1885299 ) with screenwriter Emily Wachtel
* Screening of Warrior ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1291584 ) with screenwriter Anthony Tambakis.
* Screening of Hitchcock's Rope and Q&A with Sid Gottlieb
* FTMA student film screenings at the Palace Theater.
For more information and to reserve your FREE tickets to any of the above, please visit the following link:
Sara Ross, PhD, 'Sally'
Associate Professor
Department of Communication and Media Studies
Sacred Heart University
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