Re: Media Conglomerates
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 17:33:51 -0500
Might I add that I call PBS a large media conglomerate in my book
PBS:BEHIND THE SCREEN (Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA) coming in paperback
at the end of February. Total revenues for the whole shebang and spinoffs
are over $2 billion annually.
Yanni, Barney, etc.
Funny how the cited references somehow skip that fact. You can also check
James Ledbetter's MADE POSSIBLE BY... (Verso) also deals with this issue in
some chapters. In fact he was listed as an expert witness in ongoing
copyright litigation where ASCAP and BMI are fighting PBS over music rights
fees on behalf of the creators and performers. The copyright office can
give more information on what is called a CARP hearing process, if any
scholar wants to do a study of the history of PBS vs. creative artists.
>Hi everyone,
>A Screen-L member recently asked about references dealing with the growth
>of large media conglomerates (sorry I didn't keep the original post). Here
>are a couple of references I would recommend:
> Aufderheide, P., Barnouw, E., Cohen, R. M., Frank, T., Gitlin, T.,
>Lieberman, D., Miller, M. C., Roberts, G., Schatz, T. (1997).
>Conglomerates and the media. New York: The New Press. (with a chapter on
>the film industry)
> Bagdikian, B. (1997). The media monopoly (5th ed.). Boston:
>Beacon Press (a new edition was just released)
> McChesney, R. W. (1997). Corporate media and the threat to
>democracy. New York: Seven Stories Press.
> Meehan, E. (1991). 'Holy commodity fetish, Batman!': The
>political economy of a commercial intertext. In R. E. Pearson & W.
>Uricchio (Eds.), The many lives of the Batman: Critical approaches to a
>superhero and his media (pp. 47-65). New York: Routledge.
>Hope these help!
>Matt McAllister
>Department of Communication Studies, Virginia Tech
>Blacksburg, VA 24061-0311 USA ph: 540-231-9830 fax: 540-231-9817
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]
>Department of Communication Studies at Virginia Tech Home Page:
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