Screen-L/WOMEN OF VISION: Histories in Feminist Film and Video
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 16:33:05 -0500
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University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520
WOMEN OF VISION: Histories in Feminist Film and Video
Alexandra Juhasz, Editor
University of Minnesota Press | 280 pages | 2001
0-8166-3371-1 | Hardcover | $49.95
0-8166-3372-X | Paperback | $19.95
Visible Evidence Series, volume 9
Legends and rising stars of feminist film and video tell their stories.
"Women of Vision should serve as a challenge to activists and artists to
ensure that feminist film and video does not fade into obscurity. It might
also push the rising generation of video activists to explore more
innovative and experimental forms, to take up feminist theory, and to think
through matters of representation and subjectivity. Perhaps the next
generations of feminist theory and media art will be found among them." In
These Times
Interviewees: Pearl Bowser, Margaret Caples, Michelle Citron, Megan
Cunningham, Cheryl Dunye, Vanalyne Green, Barbara Hammer, Kate Horsfield,
Carol Leigh, Susan Mogul, Juanita Mohammed, Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Eve
Oishi, Constance Penley, Wendy Quinn, Julia Reichert, Carolee Schneemann,
Valerie Soe, Victoria Vesna, and Yvonne Welbon.
Visit the book's webpage for more information:
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