Re: Reply: Reproducing stills and Fair Use
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 23:40:33 -0500
But simply showing the video to a class is an offense. Many FBI warnings specifically note that the video cannot be shown to school
or prison groups.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Enticknap" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 5:14 AM
Subject: Reply: Reproducing stills and Fair Use
> It's also worth bearing in mind that for practical purposes, the words
> 'fair use' only have any kind of magic in the United States. Although the
> Berne Convention does provide for the stipulations of the copyright law in
> which a film was originally registered applying to all signatory nations,
> the big studios get round this by registering films separately for
> copyright purposes in all the nations they operate in.
> So 'fair use' might allow you to (for example) capture a frame from a video
> and stick it in a Powerpoint slide which is then shown to a class of
> undergrads in New York, but if you then took that presentation to London
> and showed it, you'd probably be committing an offence.
> Leo
> Dr. Leo Enticknap
> Director, Northern Region Film and Television Archive
> School of Arts and Media
> University of Teesside
> Middlesbrough TS1 3BA
> United Kingdom
> Tel. +44-(0)1642 384022
> Fax. +44-(0)1642 384099
> Brainfryer: +44-(0)7710 417383
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