CFP: Funding and Media Management in the Convergence Era
Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:23:28 +0100
*International Journal on Media Management*Special Issue Call For Papers:
*Funding and Media Management in the Convergence Era*
Deadline: September 15 2016
Guest Editor: *Matthew Freeman*, *Bath Spa University*
Editor-in-Chief: *Bozena Mierzejewska*, *Fordham University*
Media convergence has been mapped from a variety of perspectives, with
scholars tracing the impact of digital convergence on everything from texts
to consumption. Yet few have examined how the rise of a convergent media
landscape is impacting funding mechanisms in and across contemporary media
industries. It is an important time to take stock of such a relationship,
since recent public and scholarly debates over funding in the global media
industries seem inextricably tied to digitalization, which continues to
transform how media is now produced and consumed. As such, basic business
models for funding media are changing too. Digital convergence has brought
an increased connectivity and hybridity between producers, audiences and
media platforms. Trends such as crowdfunding, co-creation (where producers
and audiences share responsibility for financing media) and even
subscription-based platforms like Netflix and video-on-demand services such
as iTunes all share these characteristics of connectivity and hybridity
that are emblematic of convergence.
This special issue aims to showcase research that examines the impact of
convergence on funding and media management questions; that interrogates
relationships between the digital, the funding of media, and the
transformations emerging in production, distribution and consumption; or
that explores the broader implications of a media culture that is more
sharable, hybridized and connected on traditional funding models.
Specific areas of interest for this special issue include, but are not
limited to:
- Shifts in power structures from corporate-driven to consumer-driven
and its impact on the type of media being financed in contemporary creative
- Digitized interfaces and shifts in funding patterns and creative
- Transmedia and the relationship between spreadable content and funding
- Entrepreneurship in the media and turns toward co-creativity as funding
We also welcome research that examines more specific media industries:
- Film funding, including Hollywood franchise models of financing and
crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter
- Television funding, including subscription services such as Netflix
and impacts of digital convergence on public service broadcasting/license
- Videogame funding, including social media gaming production
- Comics and book funding, including motion comics and online publishing
- Music funding, including live-touring, streaming and downloading
Submission Instructions
If authors have any questions regarding the suitability of their work for
this special issue, whether topical or methodological, they should not
hesitate to contact guest editor *Matthew Freeman* at
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<[log in to unmask]>,
or journal editor-in-chief *Bozena Mierzejewska* at [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>
Articles will be evaluated on their general merit, contribution to new
knowledge, and relevance to the topic “Funding and Media Management in the
Convergence Era”. Manuscripts that meet the scope of this special
issue will be peer-reviewed by two to three reviewers. All submissions must
conform to academic standards, be original, and not be published nor under
review elsewhere. Submissions must be in English and should be no longer
than *6,000 words*.
Articles must be submitted via the electronic submission system at:
Detailed publication guidelines are available here:
and here:
*International Journal on Media Management*:
*Dr Matthew Freeman, FHEA*
*Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication*
*Director, Media Convergence Research Centre*
*The Digital Academy*
*Bath Spa University*
T: +44 (0)1225 876708
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