looking for films
Sun, 23 Oct 1994 11:34:23 EDT
*** Resending note of 10/23/94 10:49
To: EXTERNAL--CMSNAMES External Address
From: Luiz Octavio Coimbra
*** Resending note of 10/10/94 17:07
Subject: looking for films
To: EXTERNAL--CMSNAMES External Address
From: Luiz Octavio Coimbra
Subject: looking for films
I am collecting footage of health in Amazonia. By "footage of
health" I mean images of social conditions, health services, health
workers, and diseases.
These video tapes are being collected in association with the National
School of Public Health (Escola Nacional de Saude Publica, ENSP -
FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and it is intended to make them
available for study purposes.
Do you have any such material? Any clue?
At the same time, I am looking for a film that I have only a VHS
copy made from a lost 35mm. copy. This film was made by the Brazilian
scientist Carlos Chagas in 1912 to show the first steps of the research
in "Chagas Disease". I saw same articles in newspaper that talk about
the success of the film during the Dresden Exposition (Germany, 1912). Do
you know who could have a copy of the film in Germany?
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