Situations special issue on Global Cinema
Wed, 14 Dec 2011 10:02:36 -0500
Dear friends and colleagues:
We are pleased to announce the publication of a
new special issue of Situations: Project of the
Radical Imagination entitled "Global Cinema:
Cinéma Engagé or Cinéma Commericiale?" This
special issue contains ten essays on modern
international films and cinemas, including those
of Iran, Nigeria, Mexico, Romania, France, China,
Argentina, and India as well as on contemporary
film festivals and on films documenting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The special issue is available and freely
accessible online at: .
The issue has a global reach in its coverage of
countries and regions of the world ranging from
Hollywood’s own “Global Gaze,” to a placement of
Nigerian Cinema as the equal of Africa’s
modernist cinema, to Venezuela’s difficult
negotiation of a Bolivarian cinema in a
neoliberal context, to a questioning of the
radical othering of Eastern European cinema whose
concerns now seem much closer to those of the
West, and, finally, to a tracing of a complex
multiperspectival fashioning of the image of the
Chinese peasantry in a moment when the
distinction between city and country are rapidly
fading. The global reach of the issue extends as
well to the range of theoretical positions used
to examine contemporary global cinema, be
it: structural-materialist aspects of the
questioning of the Israeli-Palestinian
problematic; the integration of economic and
aesthetic methodologies in a post-Adornian
examination of the Cannes Film Festival; feminist
and subaltern theory utilized to critique the
patriarchal aspects of what is sometimes viewed
as India’s most politically progressive cinema; a
rereading and deconstruction of French radical
workerist post-1968 cinema; and a linking of
feminist and anti-colonial perspectives to
highlight the way that in Iran Abbas Kiarostami’s
Ten spotlights Muslim women's emancipation.
We hope you will peruse the essays, and look
forward to your comments and critique.
Dennis Broe (Long Island University)
Terri Ginsberg (International Council for Middle East Studies)
Co-editors, Situations special issue on Global Cinema
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