Query on 1969 film
Thu, 27 Jan 1994 16:19:29 -0400
I am currently researching the construction of a gay film viewing audience in
the late 1960s, with special emphasis on the connection between gay
porn and Hollywood treatment of gays.
I have come across an advertisement for the film, "Sticks and Stones"
from late 1969. The ad billed it as "a story of a love and hate
relationship between two young lovers, Buddy and Peter. A neo-realistic
story concerning homosexuality, the movie was filmed entirely at Cherry
Grove, Fire Island. Gay life is explored in this newly released flick
in honest terms and without sensationalism. Look for it at your local
art theatre--or write Filmteam, Inc. (Suite 8D, 150 West 55th Street, NYC)."
Has anyone ever heard of/ viewed this film? If so, is there are way to
find out if it is available? Also has anyone ever heard of Filmteam?
I have only found one mention of the film and that was in Parker Tyler`s
"Screening the Sexes" (1972). Neither "The Celluloid Closet" nor
"Lavendar Screen" even mention it.
Any help on this query will be greatly appreciated. Please respond
directly to me, so as not to clog up the air.
Todd Smith
Indiana University--Kinsey Institute