Re: trying to locate; Ousmane Sembene's "Faat Kine" and Adama Drabo's TAAFE FANGA (Skirt Power, 1997)
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 18:04:50 -0500
For "Faat Kine" you should try giving New Yorker Films a call
(877-247-6200, toll free) or look at their website
( On their website, if you click on
"Non-Theatrical/Educational", you will find "Faat Kine" listed. If you
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, clicking on the film's title will take you to a
nice write-up along with contact information for rentals (16mm, 35mm, or
VHS for public performance),
Jonathan Nichols-Pethick
On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Kathleen J. Wininger wrote:
> Hello!
> Our Media department has been unable to locate distributors for either
> Ousmane Sembene's "Faat Kine" and Adama Drabo's TAAFE FANGA (Skirt
> Power, 1997). Does anyone know of US distributors?
> Also does anyone know of a general rental-by-mail company which specializes
> in African or at least foreign and independent movies? There's slim
> pickins now that I'm in Maine.
> Thanks,
> Kathleen J. Wininger, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Department of Philosophy
> University of Southern Maine
> Portland, ME 04104-9300 U.S.A.
> tel (207) 780-4928
> fax (207) 780-4226
> [log in to unmask]
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