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July 1992


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jul 1992 18:09:00 EDT
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
        Recently, I was accepted into the Cinema-Television program at the
University of Southern California.  Unfortunately, the exhuberent cost ($22,000
per year) and a lack of financial aid have forced me to decline the off of admis
sion.  Regardless, I am still intent on attending a university with a strong
film program, specifically in production.
        I've set my sights on UCLA for Fall 1993 and have started the admission
procedures rolling.  However, I was wondering if there were any of you out there
 in list land that might be able to provide me with some information on other
films schools.  Which do you think are the best?  Why?  I'm mainly looking at
those in the Los Angeles area (there's a surprise), but would be happy to
consider any others.
        Please post any responses to the list.  I figure that there might be a
few others interested in this info, and if there are any points of contention
I would like to hear the arguments.
                                        Thanks in advance,
                                        Ryan S. Leasher
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