Tue, 21 Jun 1994 23:59:12 EDT
TRIUMPH OF THE WILL was seized by the United States government under
Alien Property Laws with the result that the film was not protected by
any copyright. Several distributors circulated copies of the film.
Many of these copies were straight copies without sub-titles so the
work could be seen as a grand musical and visual spectacle. The
politics of the film was inferred. There is at least one copy of
TRIUMPH with sub-titles. This enables non-German speakers to learn
what they are talking about.
It turns out that in addition to its aesthetic sophistication, the film
is also a politically sophisticated treatment addressed to the particulars
of the circumstances following the "Night of the Long Knives" late in
June 1934 which assassinated the only force in Germany that could threaten
Hitler's absolute power. Gallo's book NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES will give
interested readers some of the background. Glenn Infield's book on R
examines the issue from a slightly different angle.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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