Cult Movies Conference
Sat, 13 May 2000 15:25:21 +0100
Institute of Film Studies
University of Nottingham
In Collaboration with the Broadway Cinema, Nottingham
Defining Cult Movies:
the cultural politics of oppositional taste
An International Conference to be Held
Friday 17 November - Sunday 19 November 2000
Contributors will include: Matt Becker (University of Minnesota) Mark Betz
(University of Alberta) Harry M. Benshoff (University of North Texas) Mark
Bould (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College) Mikita Brottman
(Indiana University) Andrew Caine (Cardiff University) Brigid Cherry
(University of Stirling) Stephen Chibnall (DeMontfort University) Frank
Donohoe (Southampton Institute) Shmuel Duvderani (Tel Aviv University)
Rebecca Feasey (University of Nottingham) Elena Gorfinkel (New York
University) Janet Harbord (Middlesex University) Joan Hawkins (Indiana
University) Joanne Hollows (Nottingham Trent University) Leon Hunt (Brunel
University) Nathan Hunt (University of Nottingham) Ian Hunter (DeMontfort)
Peter Hutchings (University of Northumbria at Newcastle) Mark Jancovich
(University of Nottingham) Sara Gwenllian-Jones (Cardiff University) Peter
Krämer (University of East Anglia) Antonio Lazaro (University of Nottingham)
James Lyons (University of Nottingham) Moya Luckett (University of
Pittsburgh) Ernest Mathijs (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Andy Medhurst
(University of Sussex) Xavier Mendik (University College Northampton) Jason
Middleton (Duke University) Lothar Mikos (AV-Medienwissenschast) Bill
Osgerby (University of South London) Roberta Pearson (Cardiff University)
Anna Powell (Manchester Metropolitan University) Eithne Quinn (University of
Central Lancaster) Jacinda Read (DeMontfort University) Tico Romao
(University of East Anglia) Ethan de Saife (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Steven Schneider (Harvard University) Jeff Sconce(University of Southern
California) Mark Sheil (Univesity College Dublin) Julian Stringer
(University of Nottingham) Andrew Syder (University of Southern California)
Andrew Willis (University of Salford) Harmony Wu (University of Southern
---Please complete the form below:
Name and Address
Telephone, fax and email
Special needs, please specify _________________________________
I would like to book _ number of places for (tick one of the following
Conference (including full three days and tickets for all 6 films £100
Consessionary Rate* £60
Day Rate Friday £30 Consessionary Rate* £20 Saturday £50 Consessionary
Rate* £30 Sunday £50 Consessionary Rate* £30
Film Ticket for all 6 films £21.00 Consessionary Rate* £14.40
Accommodation: A list of local hotels with a range of prices will be
available but we can also book you a room at a local hotel for £35 a night.
The deadline for these bookings is October 16th, but you are advised to book
early to be sure of a room. If you desire the latter option, please specify
the nights that you require: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Total amount: ______________
Please send a cheque or money order in pounds sterling made payable to The
University of Nottingham, and address it to: Defining Cult Movies
Conference, Institute of Film Studies, School of American and Canadian
Studies, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom. Tel:
44 (0) 115 951 4250. Fax: 44 (0) 115 951 4250. For more information contact
Antonio Lazaro: [log in to unmask] or visit the Institute¹s
* Concessions are available to full-time students, state pensioners,
registered disabled, unemployed and children under 16 years. Please bring
proof of consessionary status when registering at the conference.
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in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]