Re: Poetry in films.
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 01:07:49 EDT
For more poetry in film:
SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS (poem of same title)
DANGEROUS MINDS (students compare Dylan Thomas to Bob Dylan)
BEFORE SUNRISE (is it Auden that they read at the fountain?)
IL POSTINO (Pablo Neruda)
NOCE DE SANGRE - BLOOD WEDDING (poem of same title)
PLAY MISTY FOR ME (?) -- (This may be wrong -- I'm never sure --
is this the film that uses the last lines of Frost's _Stopping
by the Woods on a Snowy Evening_? )
In SPARTACUS, Tony Curtis's character reads poetry as one of his
slave duties. I don't recall what he reads, though.
Shari Rosenblum
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