CFP Reminder: Geographies of Interruption: Body, Location, and Experience (Deadline: Feb. 2, 2016)
Tue, 19 Jan 2016 17:44:59 +0000
Geographies of Interruption: Body, Location, and Experience
The 23rd Annual Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies
International Graduate Conference
Keynote Speaker: Jasbir Puar
Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University
April 8, 2016
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Each year, a diverse group of participants gather in Rochester, NY for a graduate conference held by the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies. This conference aims to foster an environment of interdisciplinary communication, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. We take geography to be the practice and process of mapping bodies, spaces, and experiences. In particular, we hope to inspire questions concerning the interruptions of such geographies, especially those relating to gender and sexuality. Such questions might include, but are not limited to:
How does social, bodily, and geographical mobility complicate the mapping of spaces and bodies?
How do media forms constitute counter-geographies?
Does sharing a photo of a fallen Syrian refugee on one’s Facebook timeline intervene in a meaningful way?
In what ways are sexed and/or sexualized bodies mapped into conceptions of (trans)nationality?
How might race and class interrupt and problematize feminist and queer geography?
What are the affective ramifications of contemporary or historical forms of segregation?
How do gendered perceptions of bodies in pain affect medical treatment or scales of pain?
How does web mapping (e.g. Google Maps) reproduce or resist the gendered, classed, and racial power dynamics of prior methods of mapping?
What are the gendered biases of computer coding languages?
We invite graduate students from all disciplines to submit research on questions related to the conference theme and especially in response to the keynote speaker’s research. In addition to more traditional scholarship, we encourage creative interpretations of this year’s theme, performances, and collaborative presentations.
Submission Details: Please send a 300-word abstract to the graduate organizing committee at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> as a Word or PDF document, including name, institutional affiliation, email address, a brief biographical statement, and a list of any equipment needed for your presentation. Presentations will be 20 minutes.
Submissions are due no later than February 2, 2016. You will receive the committee’s decision by mid-February.
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