Fri, 3 May 1996 15:20:18 PDT
Good Evening!
I would very much like to know the opinions of the assembled masses on, what I
personally believe to be, the ambiguous ending to the recent 'Twelve Monkeys'.
originally believed that the presence of the lady scientist in the plane, ('the
Johns, I'm in insurance') at the end of the film was the happy ending so
required for
such a film, in the respect that we assume she will stop the man from fulfilling
evil plan and save the world, but after much conversation and thought, I have
stumbled upon two alterior notions.
1- That the lady is in fact the scientist sent back from the future, but that
entering into conversation with the man she is convinced of the hopelessness of
modern existence and allows him to carry out his plan, and
2- That the lady is in fact an ordinary citizen, (perhaps a relation of the
scientist), and
the fact she is in insurance is the relevant thing, commenting on the total
hopelessness of insurance when the entire world will end in a matter of months.
Agree, disagree, laugh in derisive superiority, answer at will, I look forward
C H R I S.
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