Re: Native Americans in film
Sun, 14 Mar 2004 22:48:51 EST
In a message dated 3/15/04 2:54:01 AM, [log in to unmask] writes:
> Hello. Does anyone out there know of any films, other than Last of the
> > Mohicans and Stagecoach, that contain footage of Native Americans?
> Documentary
> > footage is preferred, but any fiction anyone could recommend would also be
> > very helpful.
> >
No one has mentioned THUNDERHEART so far. A serious effort to offer a
of Indian historical encounters with majority military culture.
Or BLACK ROBE. Another serious effort to include native Indians.
Or the TNT Native Indian biopic films--one of which was GERONIMO.
Kevin Kostner served as narrator of a TNT documentary called, I think, 500
Would you be interested in that kind of film work?
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