Chicago conference news!
Mon, 6 Oct 2008 17:28:35 -0400
The preliminary program for Film & History's 2008 Conference is now available on our website (! Please browse through the listings of wonderfully diverse talks, offered by colleagues around the globe. This year, we will be joined by scholars and practitioners from Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Taiwan, Turkey, and Israel, as well as from throughout Western Europe and North America. We hope you'll be able to join us, and make them feel welcome.
Also new for this year's conference, the Center for the Study of Film and History has invested in the purchase of digital projectors for each break-out room, allowing presenters to enhance their presentations with powerpoint and film clips directly from their own laptops. External speakers, also provided by the Center, will offer enhanced sound capabilities, maximizing presnters' abilities to showcase their work.
It's not too late to register and attend this inspiring and rewarding biennial event! Links to conference registration and accommodations are just a click away, at A limited number of rooms remain available in our discounted block at the Westin O'Hare, until October 10.
We hope to see you in Chicago!!
Cindy Miller
Film & History, 2008
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