If in doubt, shout!
Sun, 4 Jan 2004 18:17:51 +1100
Dear friends -
After a very long time away, I am returning to duty
on the Web tomorrow, on my website. The
"Editor's Day" feature
will re-commence on the Hitchcock Scholars
website's News & Comment (Home)
page. Also coming soon will be a page on the
same website
devoted to "Hitchcock and [the novelist] Dickens",
material from "Editor's Day"
written as long ago as 1998 but going
much, much further. It will take some inspiration
from Grahame Smith's
'Dickens and the Dream of Cinema'
(2003) which I am currently reading and enjoying.
But - please - do not think of the said website as
either narrow and esoteric,
on one hand, nor trivial and
beneath your dignity, on another hand, nor yet
un-entertaining and lacking in
inspiration, on yet another hand
(use your friend's hand if your own are already
accounted for). I will do my
utmost to steer a course that
caters to a generous assortment of Hitchcockians and
film aficionados and
their inclinations.
Just reading some past "Editor's Day" entries from
previous years recently,
made me very aware of how much
valuable stuff came from our readers, often on an almost
daily basis. So I am
hoping that you will start tuning
in again regularly and won't think twice about asking a
question, passing a
remark, or tossing your hat into the
circle. The heading of this email is asking you not to
be inhibited about it.
My email address will also be
found at the top of this message.
Have a good year.
Sincerely - Ken Mogg (Ed., 'The MacGuffin').
Website: http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~muffin
P.S. 'The MacGuffin' #29 (hardcopy) comes out this month
and contains really
good stuff. But I will not blow
trumpets about it here. With you, if you're a serious
Hitchcockian, a wink is as good as a clarion call. (Wink!)
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