Re: Maxivision
Wed, 22 May 2002 15:09:30 +0800
on 5/22/02 5:24 AM, "Leo Enticknap <[log in to unmask]>" wrote:
> The holy grail of conventional
> projector design would be a variable intermittent mechanism - i.e. you can
> set the number of perfs you want to advance the film on each
> movement. You'd also need a shutter system that could take account of
> this. Then you could have projectors that would pull down 4 perfs for
> Academy and 'scope, 3 for 1:1.66 and 2 for 1:1.85, and no film stock would
> ever be wasted.
From what I understand of it, the frame advancing mechanism is more robotic
than mechanical. It switches 24/48 fps on the fly. The demonstration showed
that they can do it - as attested to by Roger Ebert. Aside from my own
simulations, I haven't seen the demo myself.
> But, however technically elegant MaxiVision is, you won't just be able to
> distribute these prints to normal cinemas as is. If MaxiVision have their
> own projectors for hire and ready to go that's fine, but you'll have to
> budget for that $280 per auditorium per night.
I've just received message from him and he says the projectors aren't yet
available. He's still looking for dosh to bring it to market. I do know they
already have at the very least one. If one's all they have, then maybe
that's enough. I was never out to supplant Titanic, anyways. And the US$280
was apparently for a month, not nightly or weekly. That was 2000 prices but
he says it stays.
> Why not ask your MaxiVision contact who he would recommend?
No reply about that yet. I have another Q, then. If this is as technically
daunting as you say, what other less expensive system can I look at? I think
that if duplicating the film is no prob, then it's the printing of the film
that will cause the headache. Especially since they have only one projector.
The guy's name is Dean Goodhill, btw. His address is available on the site
itself and he's been pretty forthcoming about it all. I really wish the guy
luck coz' from what I've seen (on my simulations only in case anyone gets
the impression I've been to the demo) it's pretty lush.
> Leo
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