CFP: Console-ing Passions Conference
Thu, 30 Sep 1993 17:31:00 CDT
Just thought I'd pass along the call for papers for the upcoming
conference on feminism and media, to be held in April in Tucson.
I'll quote from the mailing I received:
Console-ing Passions: Television, Video and Feminism
3rd Annual Conference
Console-ing Passions welcomes proposals for papers, panels and workshops on
television, video and feminism. Proposals should foreground questions of sexual
and other cultural differences including feminist perspectives on:
-independent video and video art
-global issues/geopolitics
-cultural and political history
-children's media
-race, gender, sexuality, class
-interactive video/new technology
-guerrila tv
-women and technology
-media education/pedagogy
-policy, regulation and censorship
-regional and local voices
Mail or fax 500-word proposals for papers, panels and workshops to:
Mary Beth Haralovitch
Dept of Media Arts
265 Modern Languages Bldg
The Univ. of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
phone: 602-621-7352
fax: 602-621-9662
Proposals must be received by October 15, 1993.
Provide a separate proposal for each paper on the panel or workshop. Do not
submit papers also delivered at SCS, SCA or Screen Studies. Console-ing Passion
requests first consideration to publish papers accepted for the conference.
If you do not submit a proposal but wish to receive conference information,
please contact the above address.
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University of Wisconsin, Madison
(608) 256-1824