CFP: Media & Senior Citizenship Panel (SCMS New Orleans)
Wed, 28 Jul 2010 23:11:57 -0400
CFP: Media & Senior Citizenship Panel
SCMS Conference (New Orleans, March 10-13)
In keeping with this year’s conference theme of “Media Citizenship,” this
panel aims to consider the relationship between media and cultural notions
of what it means to be a senior citizen. This panel seeks to address the
particular relationship between aging and the media, be this in terms of
aging audiences or older demographics, aging media producers, aging stars,
or representations of aging in film, television or new media. This is a
broad call for presentations that examine this important but
underrepresented topic.
Please send a 250-300 word abstract along with 3-5 bibliographic sources by
August 10 to [log in to unmask]
Nancy McVittie
Department of Screen Arts & Cultures
University of Michigan
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