Re: CFP: Materialist Feminism (Arggh!)
Wed, 2 Nov 1994 16:00:08 -0600
Mr. Dobson, Jr., is heard from yet again:
"I debated the spelling of nazis for a long time before posting. Thank you for
showing me the correct way. Sorry, but this is just an opinion, not a
personal attack. Anyway, these superdykes are the real culprits. Anyone who
hates another group based only on their race, age, or gender is less than
human in my opinion. These femi nazis are all just a bunch of male bashers
and we don't need them. I'm calling for all of the men on this list to unite
against them, and their postings. Who's with me?> > From: Jeffrey Ronald
Dobson Jr <[log in to unmask]> > >I hate all you super dyke femi nazies."
I'm sure all the superdykes on this net are quite relieved that they haven't
been attacked personally. And I'm certainly glad that all those male
bashers are getting their dues at last.
Mr. Dobson, do you base your opinion on anything concrete besides whatever
paranoid fantasies lurk in your fevered imagination? Are "men"--as
you define them--allowed to have brains?
One can debate the means and ends of feminism (feminists do it all the time),
but until you actually have something to say, I suggest you go home to
the talk show of your choice and leave those with something to say the
space to say it.
Tony Williams was far too polite when he called your spew "garbage."
(And Jeremy, if I'm getting too personal here for SCREEN-L etitquette,
my apologies!)
--Don Larsson, Mankato State U., MN