Re: Hitlers favorites
Wed, 25 Sep 1996 12:30:01 -0500
Mr.Bjorn Aas, requested the source of my comment that Hitler's favorite
films were KING KONG (1933) and SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (1937).
The source is Robert G.L. Waite, THE PSYCHOPATHIC GOD: ADOLPH HITLER (Basic
Books, Inc.1977). Speaking of Hitler, the author wrote:
"Of the hundreds of films he saw, two were particular favorites: Disney's
SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, which was shown many times, and KING KONG.
He was absolutely enthralled by the story of the great ape who loved a
little blond girl no bigger than his finger. He talked about the film for
days.His favorite movie actress was Shirley Temple...."
I have read elsewhere (but am not presently able to support with an
authoritative citation) that Churchill's favorite film was THAT HAMILTON
WOMAN, while Stalin's was IVAN THE TERRIBLE.
I hope this helps.
Peter S. Latham
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