A stupid question re: cartoon character
Sun, 19 Jul 1992 08:56:51 CST
>us who grew up in the 60's remember a cartoon featuring a dog
>who would go nuts when he was given some kind of dog treat
>(a bone? a dog biscuit?). He would hug himself and make yummy
>sounds (to quote Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein), and
>then float up into the air and back down. Any suggestions
>on the name of the dog or what this is from?
>Some people seem to remember it being from a cartoon show,
>while others think it was from a commercial; so far, the only
>name anyone has suggested is Scooby-Doo, and I KNOW it
>wasn't him.
Definitely a cartoon show, Sally.
Unless I'm mistaken, I believe it was on either QUICKDRAW MCGRAW or THE
DEPUTY DAWG SHOW. The latter was a Terrytoon TV show premiering in
1960, but I don't have any info on the former. The more I think about
it, the more it seems like it was Quickdraw McGraw's dog assistant. I
place it in a Western context, so I reckon Scooby-Doo is out.
(Anybody out there heard of a band called "Scooby Don't"? They played
Tuscaloosa last week.)
1946-1981--PART 1: ANIMATED CARTOON SERIES could fill in the gaps, but
I don't have a copy handy...