New Film Books from Wildside Press
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 06:36:46 -0500
Wildside Press has recently begun publishing books on film and related media. These are the first ones released:
Visual Music Instrument Patents Volume One, edited by Michael Betancourt
$49.96 HC / $24.95 pb 216 pp.
This volume is a collection of primary source documents for visual music instruments, often called "color organs," gleaned from the United States Patent Office. Information about these devices is often only available through the inventor's patent applications, but these applications are not currently available except through the time-consuming process of searching Patent Office databases. This volume is an informational resource for those instruments that are already known and studied (Bishop, Rimington, Wilfred, Fischinger), and includes a number of patents for other instruments that have not been examined as thoroughly (Munsell, Hallock-Greenewalt, others). Volume One also includes a few patents that are related to visual music instruments such as systems of notation for writing visual music and devices for determining "color harmony" through a relationship to musical form.
Colour-Music, by A. Wallace Rimington
$22.95 276 pp.
Included in this special edition is the original patent application for A. Wallace Rimington's Colour Organ, his 1895 speech announcing the new art of colour-music, and the full text of this 1912 book discussing his art in detail, complete with photographs of the Colour Organ, an explanation of the relationship between the musical scale and color, and a lengthy discussion of scientific/psychological theory related to color and harmony.
Structuring Time: Notes on Making Movies, by Michael Betancourt.
$14.95 pb 152 pp
This book presents a new approach to the conceptual basis of all visual art, and while it is about making movies—the catch-all for video, film, computer graphics and anything else that may appear to move—the thrust of this book is a radical redefinition of all visual media, including traditional standards like painting.
These books are available on-line from, or directly from the publisher at -- there will be more books appearing over the next year, all focusing on avant-garde/experimental film, bringing both classic texts back into print and making anthologies of primary documents available for researchers and classroom use.
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