call for proposals/workshops/demonstrations
Mon, 28 Nov 1994 13:40:41 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
THIS/ABILITY: an interdisciplinary conference on disability and the arts
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor: May 18-20, 1995
"This/Ability" seeks to celebrate a rich, powerful disability culture at
the same time as critique the representation of disability in the
academy and mainstream. We will explore broad notions of disability and
ability as these concepts relate to artistic creativity, performance, and
the intellect. The conference plans to foster several concurrent dialogues
among academic, disability, and arts communities, bringing together
theorists and practitioners, therapists and aesthetes, architects, video an
filmmakers, performers, artists, scholars, musicians, literary and cultural
critics, playwrights, theater industry workers, and independent scholars.
We seek a wide range of innovative concepts: academic presentation,
performance, readings, demonstrations, workshops, films, installations,
exhibits, lectures, and roundtables by, for and/or about people with
disabilities. Your proposal may suggest the universal or the idiosyncratic,
a few examples: a roundtable for activists, performers, and architects on
theater access and use of space; a critique and reading of American deaf
poetry and its ethnography; an exhibit of work which takes sexuality and
disability as its subject; a discursive study of spectacle, spectators,
"freak show," and a chronic illness such as AIDS; a demonstration of
revised movement techniques for aided actors and dancers; or a videotape of
performance work about cystic fibrosis. Committed to addressing the issues
and concerns of the disability community at the University of Michigan and
at large, we will examine aesthetic, conceptual, and metaphorical
representations of disability alongside the practical and political issues
of living with disability every day.
Initiated by three non-disabled facilitators, the conference's planning
committee is composed of both disabled and non-disabled community leaders
and scholars; we wish to enable an integral dialogue among the disabled
and non-disabled about the arts, at the same time as cultivate a discussion
among artists and non-artists about an ever-changing, complicated notion
of disability.
Send abstracts and proposals, by JANUARY 15, 1995, to:
Disability and the Arts
Department of English
5207 Angell Hall
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Questions, comments and requests for deadline extension may be directed to:
the above address
fax number 313-936-0469
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