Screening the Past Issue 27 now online.
Wed, 5 May 2010 22:06:47 +1000
First Release peer reviewed articles:
* Peter Alilunas, The Past is all used up: Orson Welles, Touch of Evil and
* Anne Rutherford, Volatile Space, Takemitsu and the Material Contagions of
* John Hodgkins, Heritage and Post-Heritage: The House of Mirth on Page and
* Gino Moliterno, Cinematic Intertextuality and comic allusion in Giorgio
Mangiamele's Ninety Nine Per Cent.
* Sam Rohdie, Hitchcock Fabrics.
Feature Review: Bill Routt reviews Ford at Fox Part Two (c)
* Emily Ashman reviews Mark James Russell, Pop Goes Korea: Behind the
Revolution in Movies, Music and Internet Culture.
* Ina Bertrand reviews Lisa French and Mark Poole, Shine a Light: 50 Years
of the Australian Film Institute, The Moving Image No. 9, ATOM 2009.
* James Brown reviews Kenneth E. Hall, John Woo?s The Killer.
* John Conomos reviews Yvette Biro, Turbulence and flow in film: The
Rhythmic Design.
* James Curnow reviews Robert Burgoyne, The Hollywood Historical Film.
* Adrian Danks reviews Janet Harbord, Chris Marker: La Jetee.
* Wheeler Winston Dixon reviews Stephen Chibnall and Brian McFarlane, The
British B Film.
* Wheeler Winston Dixon reviews Elizabeth Legge, Wavelength.
* Tony Fonseca reviews Lucas Hilderbrand, Inherent Vice: Bootleg Histories
of Videotape and Copyright.
* Jane Greene reviews Harriet Margolis, Sean Cubitt, Barry King and Thierry
Jutel, Studying the Event Film: The Lord of the Rings.
* Alexandra Heller-Nicholas reviews Karla Oeler, A Grammar of Murder:
Violent Scenes and Film Form.
* Jan-Christopher Horak reviews Joan Simon (ed.) Alice Guy Blache: Cinema
* D.B.Jones reviews Tom McSorley, The Adjuster.
* Mike Lim reviews Rick Altman, A Theory of Narrative.
* Brian McFarlane reviews Dianne F. Sadoff, Victorian Vogue: British Novels
on the Screen.
* Jasmine McGowan reviews Jason Wood, Talking Movies: Contemporary World
Filmmakers in Interview.
* Matt Wanat reviews Marguerite H. Rippy, Orson Welles and the Unfinished
RKO Projects: A Postmodern Perspective.
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: