SWTXPCA 2013-CFP ParaCinema/Transgressive Film-Cinema Beyond the Mainstream Blockbuster
Mon, 24 Sep 2012 14:57:14 +0000
Call for Papers Para-Cinema Beyond the Mainstream-Beyond the Blockbuster-Transgressive/Silent/Trash/Exploitation/Art Cinema
Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations
Please make plans to attend our 34th Annual Conference
February 13-16, 2013, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center in
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 87102
Tel: +1 505 842 1234<tel:%2B1%20505%20842%201234> or 888-421-1442<tel:888-421-1442>
Proposal submission deadline: November 16, 2012
The area chairs are pleased to be seeking submissions for paper presentations on "Transgressive Cinema" for our seventh year at the SW/TX PCA/ACA conference. We encourage submissions on any aspect of "para-cinema," a term attributed to film scholar Jeffery Sconce about films beyond the mainstream.
"Transgressive" film can be in the realm of horror films, experimental/art cinema, or classic and contemporary exploitation movies, among others. The limits of what can and cannot be said, done, or shown in a society are prone to change. Consequently, the risqué nickelodeon films of the early 20th century seem quaint, with their images of bare female legs long having lost the ability to induce gasping titillation. Nonetheless, taboos regarding violence, sexuality, race, and political beliefs (among others) persist even in this age of post-everything. We are looking for papers that examine films from the past and the present, from "stag movies" shown at American Legion "smokers" in the '50s to today's multiplex down the street. And we're looking for papers that take up the question of how such filmmaking helped redefine societal limits, for better or worse. The list of films that could fall under this category is very large, from the mass of low-budget horror films to rare experimental shorts. We also encourage submissions that come from a wide variety of disciplinary and methodological backgrounds, from classical Freudianism to Critical Race Theory. We especially encourage papers that engage with the theoretical concept of "transgression" in their presentations. This area at PCA/ACA has expanded a great deal since our first panel six years ago, and we hope to continue to use this conference as a forum for scholarly discussion of this often-neglected area of film studies.
In addition, this year we will also be continuing our well-received pairing of a film screening followed by a roundtable discussion panel. Last year we looked at Jean Cocteau's Blood of a Poet/Le sang d'un poète (1930) paired with Salvador Dali and Luis Buñuel's Un Chien Andalou (1929). We had one of the most well attended and liveliest discussions in the history of the area. This year we will be looking at Georges Franju's 1960 classic Eyes without a Face (Les yeux sans visage), a film steeped in controversy at the time of its release. If you are interested in being a part of this roundtable, please contact us.
Other possible topics include:
*Any film that goes beyond the traditional notion of the mainstream
*Mondo films, especially ones that "exploit" a culture for the sake of spectacle (we might even think of Flaherty's Nanook of the North in this regard)
*Pornography, including anything that crosses racial or class boundaries (the persistent popularity of, say, Lexington Steele in this "post-racial" era, for instance)
*Films that fall to the extreme political right or left wing, including films whose message has been assimilated into today's political mainstream (anti-Communist propaganda, "hygiene" films depicting homosexuality, sympathetic portrayals of minorities, etc.)
*Extreme violence in cinema (documentary footage of death, controversial scenes of sexual violence on film, the "realism" of blood and gore on screen, etc.)
*Can a blockbuster film be considered para-cinema?
*Silent cinema, or in a more contemporary setting The Artist as a "mainstream critical" example of para-cinema.
These are just some general ideas; we eagerly anticipate discovering what you have to say about this surprisingly broad and complicated set of topics.
Panels/presentations on filmmakers/directors are also welcome (e.g., Terry Gilliam, David Lynch, Kenneth Anger, D.W. Griffith, Umberto Lenzi, Dario Argento, Wim Wenders, Michael Haneke, Julian Temple, Alfred Hitchcock, Fred Vogel, Jay Rosenblatt, Craig Baldwin, Lizzy Borden, Jean Genet, Monika Treut, Richard Oswald, Samuel Fuller, etc.).
Panels/presentations on certain films are welcome (e.g., Day of Wrath, Corridor of Mirrors, Driller Killer, Serbian Film, Different from the Others, Guinea Pig, Irreversible, Blood of the Beasts, Cannibal Holocaust, Boy with the Green Hair, The Woman on Pier 13, etc.).
Panels on certain actors/actresses would be welcome (e.g., Annie Sprinkle, Vincent Cassel, Arch Hall Jr., Lon Chaney, Cash Flagg, Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, Oliver Reed, Harvey Keitel, etc.).
Please submit your title and 100- to 250-word abstract by November 16, 2012, through our website database, which can be accessed at:
34th Annual Conference Southwest/Texas Popular/American Culture Association
Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center in Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
February 13-16, 2013
Submission Deadline: 11/16/12
Priority Registration Deadline 12/31/13
Conference Hotel:
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras NW,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 87102
Tel: +1 505 842 1234<tel:%2B1%20505%20842%201234> or 888-421-1442<tel:888-421-1442>
John Cline, University of Texas
Rob Weiner, Humanities Librarian, Texas Tech University Library
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