Further info on: Center for the Study ....
Tue, 7 Feb 1995 17:00:42 CST
I received this from Marlyn Robinson, who's having a bit of trouble
getting her mail through to SCREEN-L...
Her address is [log in to unmask]
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Jeremy, it may be easier (and more timely) if I send this to you to forward
to Screen-L. I hope I'm not being too sarcastic.
Re: Dr. Jarvik's response to my post: I had no intention of insulting Dr.
Jarvik. I merely thought it would be beneficial to the list to know that he
had no affiliation with the Bowling Green State University program, and that
his organization was quite different from what most of us think of as
"popular culture studies". I include a statement which was posted to
H-PCAACA from the head of the department of popular culture at Bowling Green.
I do, however, think that his response was an overblown and hypercritical
response to a fairly neutral and unbiased statement - especially since I
included a smiley face at the end. :) If anyone is interested in additional
information on the L.A. center, I have a few articles which I can pass on.
Marlyn Robinson, who for all Mr. Jarvik knows is a cleaning person at the
University of Texas School of Law and not at all a legalistic bully
>Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 09:21:14 -0500
>From: Johanna Draper <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Center for Popular Culture
>Chris Geist announces a name change:
>I want to thank Marilyn Robinson for the recent post concerning the
>confusion over the name of our center. Unfortunately, nothing was ever
>done to protect the name. No, we are not happy with the center founded by
>Laurence Jarvik (see Marilyn's posting below). In an effort to counter
>that group, Bowling Green State University is preparing two national news
>releases. The first release notes that we have changed our name as
> Bowling Green Center for Popular Culture Studies
>This new name will be published in all of the various guides to humanities
>centers and institutes this year. (Along with, of course, an expanded list
>of activities--forward a snail-mail address and I'll send a fact sheet
>out.) Second is a release expressing our support for PBS, offering several
>sound reasons why the Corporation for Public Broadcasting should be
>maintained, and listing four of our faculty who are available for media
>interviews to speak to the importance of Public Broadcasting.
>We would greatly appreciate your helping to get the word out about the
>differences between the two centers. Ours is *NOT* a lobbying
>organization, although we will continue to offer our scholarly expertise
>and opinions on various public issues. We are a Center devoted to
>fostering the study of popular culture in all its forms and in all areas.
>We hope that one of the things we are able to do is to assist visiting
>scholars and others interested in popular culture to gain access to the
>materials in our outstanding library and audio collections. We also
>sponsor conferences (for example, this summer's "The Atomic Age Opens"
>conference, July 13-15), sponsor local lectures, offer consultation and
>research to business and industry, and many similar activities. Whenever
>possible, I hope that members of this list will help to keep our center
>distinct from the other entity.
>Christopher D. Geist Phone: (419)372-2981
>Chair, Department of Popular Culture FAX: (419)372-2577
>Bowling Green State University
>Bowling Green, OH 43403 E-Mail: [log in to unmask]