Re: Grad Certificate
Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:25:54 -0500
I don't know of any program currently with such a certificate, but I know I would have loved one when completing my degree at USC back in the 1980s. I was in the Communication Department, but took courses in the Film School as a cognate area, and completed a dissertation that was as much a critical film study as a critical rhetorical study. Luckily, I've been able to finally move into teaching some film courses where I teach, but it may have been easier to get employment coming out from grad school with such a certificate. I don't know if those who hire would find such a certificate also useful, but I have a feeling it would appeal to some universities (e.g. my own).
Barbara L. Baker, Ph.D.
Department of Communication
Central Missouri State University
Warrensburg, MO. 65493
>>> [log in to unmask] 9/19/2005 12:38 PM >>>
Dear subscribers,
I am in the process of investigating the viability of offering a graduate
certificate in film to students earning PhDs in other (non-film)
departments. This would be offered to students who might wish to earn a
credential in film because they will teach film (e.g. students in American
Studies who might include film in a cultural studies course, or foreign
language students who might offer a course in a national cinema) and/or who
might include some film in their dissertation but are not housed in a film
program. I have seen models for this sort of thing with gender studies but
am not aware of programs in film. If any of you know of such programs, can
you please contact me? If you have opinions about their viability or
usefulness, I'd love to hear from you.You can contact me directly at
[log in to unmask] If subscribers are interested in this issue, I can
offer a list and summary of comments.
Thanks for your help,
Pam Wojcik
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