Re: documentary film in the last decade?
Tue, 23 Dec 2008 08:29:22 -0800
Check out the work of Ron Mann. Quite distinctive and most of his films have
had theatrical release.
Joe Medjuck
> I'm writing an entry on documentary film in the last decade, for a film
> encyclopedia, with an emphasis on authorial, theatrically-oriented
> documentaries. (I'm noting the distinction between these and more
> formula-driven, televisual doc production.) Among the artists I've seen as
> exemplifying the range of expression are Herzog, Morris, Kopple, Guzman,
> and of course Moore. (I think the fact that these are all well-established
> has a lot to do with why they were so well-positioned in the theatrical
> market in the last decade.) I'm wondering if you have recommendations for
> great new reading to recommend and trends/other artists that are
> can't-miss in a short entry. Thanks so much!
> Pat Aufderheide, Professor and Director
> Center for Social Media, School of Communication
> American University
> 3201 New Mexico Av. NW, #330
> Washington, DC 20016-8080
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> 202-885-2069
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