----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Here's an odd query I volunteered to undertake for a friend: does anyone
recall the anti-smoking tv and print ads from a few years ago (1986 or so?)
which showed a fetus inside a woman's body smoking as the woman inhaled a
cigarette? And does anyone have any idea how I could obtain either (a)
quality still fames from the TV version; or (b) copies of the image
reproduced in a poster that accompanied the campaign? Any and all tips
would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
poor george was far too | russell a. potter | sand screws inside septic
thin to feel the sword | english dept. | shoes, singing telephone!
| colby college |
it's after the end of | waterville, maine | amor appetitus quiddam est
the world -- Sun RA | [log in to unmask] | - St. Augustine