Whither _Titticut Follies_?
Mon, 15 Apr 91 21:21:24 CDT
Does anyone out there know the status of Frederick Wiseman's _Titticut
Follies_? I know that he was forbidden by a Massachusetts court to
screen it for years, but I heard a while back that he had obtained
releases from the patients and the hospital and that it was on its
way into the marketplace. I've not seen it at the local good video
store (nor at Blockbuster, for that matter), so I'm gettin' curious.
Anyone out there know the scoop?
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| chris amirault | |--==-- There, now -- I have created a ---..
| [log in to unmask] | |====-- "brick", at no cost to myself, --....
| | |-==--- it is the corner stone of my --...-.
| | |===--- wealth -- the foundation of my --....
\---------------------------\ |-----= monument of fame -- ---------..---...
\___________________________\|=-=-=-=-=-========-----..Geo. Herriman..-....