Re: Uzbeki-Russian Film
Tue, 7 Mar 1995 14:33:22 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Several years ago I saw a wonderful film entitled *I Remember you* - a joint
>Russian-Uzbeki production filmed in Tashkent and Leningrad. Does anyone know
>who the director was, and if it is available on video? It is one of the most
>beautiful films I've ever seen. Thanks. Earl Jackson, Jr.
>University of California, Santa Cruz
>[[log in to unmask]
The director is Ali Khamraiev and the film (which I am surprised anyone has
seen in the US) is indeed splendid, beautiful, subtle, moving. I cannot
describe my huge liking of it when I saw it in an European Festival, where
I spent much of my time sending friends to see it and practically cursed
those that came out of it declaring "Yes, it is nice," "Very nice."or
suchlike routine opinions.I then persuaded the Fest's director to have a
Khamraiev retrospective the following year. It happened. And something
prevented me from going! This is the Number One filmic frustration of my
I'll check the title out (video) but my hopes are low. Please let me know
if you track it down.
Thanks for making my day.
Edwin Jahiel, Cinema Studies, University of Illinois
" Le mauvais gout mene au crime" (Stendhal)