Re: Film Schools
Mon, 24 Oct 1994 13:49:57 -0500
>In response to your interest in grad schools in film and communication, esp
Northwestern perhaps I can help.
Northwestern has a strong Radio TV Film department and a strong
Communication department.
The RTVF Dept. offers a MA, a Telecom MA, an MFA, and a PhD. The department
believes that PhD students should have at least some understanding of how
moving pictures are made so a class in film production and in video
production are required, there is also a remedial production dourse for
those who do not have the experience to enter the film and the video course.
The MFA program is very strong and has great teachers and great equipment.
One of the problems faced by MFAs in other schools is a lack of equipment
and lack of access to the equipment that does exist(ask students in the
school you select about access to equipment). Gary Marshal (alumnus)
recently built us a series of on line editing rooms that include Grass Vally
Group 141 edit controlers, GVG 110 and 210 switchers, Dubner CGs, Abekas
DVE. We also have Silicon Graphics work stations with wavefront software.
I am in the Ph D program and am not familiar with all of the production
equipment used by the MFA people but if you like I will try to find out more
information for you, or you can contact the RTVF dept.
Northwestern U
Graduate School
633 Clark St
Evanston IL 60208-1113
If you need more info let me know
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