Re: Interracial romance/Jeff Chandler
Fri, 2 Jun 1995 16:21:14 -0600
>Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 12:07:12 -0500
>From: "Carol J. Slingo" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Interracial Romance
>As a postscript to David Desser's post: I grew up in the 50s, and Jeff
>Chandler was my idol.
Talk of Jeff Chandler reminds me that Debra Paget used to play the
polynesian virgin about to be sacrificed to the volcano god. B-)> I
always loved JC myself as a young girl.
kal alston
ed pol studies/ women's studies
380 education
champaign, il 61820
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