Submit your questions to the Editors of Celebrity Studies for a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.
Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:11:28 -0500
Don't miss out! The competition ends on the 31st July.
• Do you want to hear about the future directions of the journal?
• Are you interested in a specific aspect of Celebrity Studies and want to hear the thoughts of the Editors on the topic?
• Are you an aspiring author and have some ideas about potential journal articles/issues you’d like to sound out?
To enter the competition, simply email your question to [log in to unmask] or tweet it to @Routledge_MandC before the 31st July.
We’ll be posting the best questions and the Editors' responses online – so keep an eye on the journal homepage!
Kind regards,
Lauren Harvey
Routledge Cultural Studies
*The deadline for questions is 31st July 2014, after which time we will select a winner at random to contact within 5 working days. View full terms and conditions.
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