Re: Family relationships and (horror) film
Tue, 13 Jun 1995 14:09:03 CST
From: Tony Williams
Ulf, Sure you're right about the quantitative aspects in the 80s and 90s. But,
as far as those are concerned, the bulk are mainly conservative renditions with
Jason and Michael acting as avatars of the patriarchal unconscious.
However, despite the undeniable lapse in quality of the bulk of movies, some
interesting things do happen even in the NIGHTMARE series. The kids are no
longer allright. They have to learn qualities of independence and self-
reliance which involve opposing the entire family structure. Even in the
first NIGHTMARE Nancy realizes that Freddy lives off their fear. He thus
Vanishes at the end only to return at the epilogue. PSYCHO IV is quite an
interesting pre-quel, scripted by Joseph Stefano.
Also, as Borde and Chaumeton point out in PANORAMA DU FILM NOIR, a parody
may appear at the same time that a genre is particularly strong. They cite
the Bob Hope film MY FAVORITE BRUNETTE (1947). The field is generally moribund
but not entirely uninteresting.
George Romero once sub-titled DAY OF THE DEAD as "Zombies in the White House.
" You have a great idea for a movie. What about a deadlock in the Republican
convention resulting in an invitation to Grandpa, Leatherface et al. to
occupy the Oval Office due totheir support for "family values" and active
involvement in small businesses thus keeping off the welfare role. Welfare
becomes abolished and the unfortunates become the new "Soylent Green" in a
kinder, gentler America. The Sawyers recruit Bob Dole to take the place of
Hitchhiker and Leatherface sending him off to Hollywood shores where he
avidly pursues Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, and
other guest stars appearing in cameo roles a la THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS.
Didn't the Gipper once say to Oliver North, " Wouldn't this make a great
What about a summer screenplay competition on SCREEN-L?
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