Re: Framing Frames
Fri, 23 Aug 1996 02:03:42 -0400
>Sam wrote:
>"In U.S. and in most other countries in the world, the films
>(35mm & 16mm) run 24 frames per second (in France, it is 25 fps.)"
then henry said:
>Close, but no Galois.
>All 35mm theatrical films (are photographed and projected in theaters at 24
>frames/sec., except, of course, for fast and slow motion.
>Material photographed for European television (including France) is usually
>exposed at 25 frames/second, because that is the transmission rate of
>European television systems (originally derived from the standard electric
>supply, which is 50 cycles/sec).
true enuf....
>In the U.S., material intended for television is usually photographed at 24
>frames/second and an ingenious shutter system allows transmission at 30
>frames/second (based on the U.S. standard 60 cycle electricity).
kindasortaalmost....MANY, MANY commericals and music videos are shot at
30fps (makes it easier in the transfer to tape). Those that are still
shot at 24fps (maybe theatrical releases) are transferred to NTSC (Never
Twice the Same Color) tape at 30fps (well, to be really
picky...29.97fps...anyone wanna go into the difference between drop frame
and non-drop frame SEMPTE timecode), 60hz, 525 lines of horiz.-rez, etc,
ad nauseum....
the transfer is done by duplicating every 6th frame or so to make the
24fps equal 30fps. This is also one of the things that gives film that
o-so-slight flicker look when it's transferred to tape...that, and gate
weave and its general better color range, etc, etc....
back to the transfer...
Mike Sime <[log in to unmask]>
Video Schmideo! <[log in to unmask]>
It's not the time it takes to take the takes,
it's the time it takes BETWEEN the takes,
that takes the time to take the takes.
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