In Media Res April 23-27, 2007
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 19:14:55 +0000
Hi all,This week’s In Media Res line-up:(, April 23, 2007 – Serra Tinic (University of Alberta) presents: “Reality TV in a War Zone”Tuesday, April 24, 2007 – Ron Becker (University of Ohio) presents: "All Skin Is Not Created Equal": Televisual Flow and Racial Ideology”Wednesday, April 25, 2007 – Karin Wilkins (University of Texas at Austin) presents: “Re-visioning Arab Identity in US Popular Culture”Thursday, April 26, 2007 – Mary Beth Haralovich (University of Arizona) presents: “Zombies v. Humans in Land of the Dead: Fireworks and Community”Friday, April 27, 2007 – Paula Chakravartty (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) presents: “Empathy is Futile? Media, War and Empire from the Classroom”Please check out these wonderful contributions and offer your thoughts viaa comment.http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.orgIn Media Res is envisioned as an experiment in just one sort ofcollaborative, multi-modal scholarship that MediaCommons will aim tofoster. Its primary goal is to provide a forum for more immediate criticalengagement with media in a manner closer to how we typically experiencemediated texts.Each day, a different media scholar will present a 30-second to 3-minuteclip accompanied by a 100-150-word impressionistic response. The goal is topromote an online dialogue amongst media scholars and the public aboutcontemporary media scholarship through clips chosen for either theirtypicality or a-typicality in demonstrating narrative strategies, genreformulations, aesthetic choices, representational practices, institutionalapproaches, fan engagements, etc.Best,Avi Santo----------------------------------------------------------------------Avi Santo, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Communication and Theatre ArtsOld Dominion UniversityNorfolk, Virginia 23529(757) [log in to unmask] Editor: MediaCommons: A Digital Scholarly Networkhttp://mediacommons.futureofthebook.orgCo-Creator: Flow: Television and Media Culture
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