cfp new volume on african cinema
Tue, 14 Apr 2015 13:15:23 -0400
*CFP: The Companion to African Cinema* (Wiley-Blackwell)
Kenneth Harrow and Carmela Garritano, editors.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, please send a
400-500 word proposal to Ken Harrow ([log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) and Carmela Garritano ([log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) by *May 15, 2014.*
*This will be an exciting, major collection. Please contribute a
proposal to us now*
In recent years, African film critics have begun to consider dramatic
changes in African cinematic production and distribution as well as the
aesthetic and narrative innovations these transformations have made
possible. Critics such as Manthia Diawara, Lindiwe Dovey, Kenneth
Harrow, Jon Haynes, and Alexie Tcheuyap have called for updated
approaches attuned to reading these new forms of African cinematic and
media production and, in the cases of Harrow and Tcheuyap, the
dismantling of an outdated dominant critical paradigm.
This volume will include essays on a broad range of topics, also
including “video films” or digital film productions. There is an
expanding body of genres being deployed and created that radically
change conventional understandings of “African Cinema.” We also find new
grids of filmmaking in which film artists like Bekolo, Sissako, Ramaka,
and Teno are working both on and off the continent.
This anthology represents an opportunity to analyze these new
developments within the context of the overwhelmingly powerful
overdeterminisms of globalization and world cinema studies and to break
with the molds that have become rigidified with the received structures
of received truths about African studies. We invite contributors to
theorize the new, African cinema genres, as well as to analyze African
film within the context of changes in the religious landscape and in
economic and political configurations that have radically shifted since
the 1980s. We seek work on the historiography, cinematography, and
technologies that account for the field, but also for approaches that
are striking out in new ways, reconfiguring the cinematic critical
landscape of the field.
The anthology is scheduled to appear in 2018, and we are soliciting
essays of between 8,000-10,000 words. Essays might approach African film
or media from perspectives shaped by any of the following:
·African Postcolonial theorizing, in an age of the global
·Adaptation or translation studies
·Theories of posthegemony
·Human rights discourse analysis
·Industry studies
·Film Festival studies
·Affect theory
·New Media studies
·Queer theory
·Urban studies
·the materiality of African cinema
·the formation of early African cinema, excavating colonial or early
cinematic endeavors, utilizing archives being recuperated in Ghana,
Nigeria, Burkina Faso, South Africa, etc.
·the transnational dimensions of African cinematic practices
On 4/14/15 9:01 AM, Jonathan Wroot wrote:
> Apologies for cross-posting.
> Registration is now open for this one-day symposium at the University of
> Worcester on 23rd May 2015. This follows a successful call for papers which
> will cover a broad range of case studies.
> *Registration will be open until 26th April 2015 (details below), to
> confirm seat availability and numbers in attendance. Late registration may
> be considered, but only if spaces are available.*
> The rationale behind the event can be found below, as can details of the
> event itself:
> Distribution is often been seen as the “invisible link” in the media
> industry, in terms of facilitating how films, television shows and other
> texts reach audiences. The rise of digital platforms, such as online rental
> services and bit torrents, recently changed this view and digital
> distribution is the focus of several recent publications. However, there
> has not been a mass shift towards purely digital media, and physical media
> releases are still sought out by fans and consumers. Special editions and
> box-sets for DVDs and Blu-Rays are frequently hyped up on social media, and
> from many countries around the world. Past formats also make for
> collectible items, such as VHS, Laserdisc, and HD-DVD. Terminology related
> to physical media hugely affects perceptions of exhibition and consumption,
> such as ‘box-sets’, ‘binge-watching’, and ‘marathon’.
> Distributors have been recognised as the ones making all this possible.
> Media distribution labels often promote their own actions; or their actions
> are reported on by critics and journalists; or fans and consumers directly
> respond to their releases and related activities. Such activity takes place
> within a variety of contexts – from film festivals to conventions and Q&A
> sessions; from social media, to dedicated websites and themed public
> attractions. This also occurs in relation to a variety of media texts –
> from newer releases to older titles; from films previously unavailable, to
> those regularly watched and celebrated by many.
> The result of the raising of the profile of distributors has been a Home
> Media Renaissance. This exists not only as an alternative to online digital
> media exhibition options, but as one that occurs alongside them. In
> addition to the recent academic study of legitimate and illegitimate
> methods of online downloading and streaming, the simultaneous desire to own
> physical media is prevalent.
> The aim of this symposium is to discuss and debate how and why distributors
> are becoming so prolific in an increasingly digital age. Is this activity a
> reaction to shifts towards downloading and streaming? Are consumers
> increasingly attracted to these forms of media, or are distributors
> desperate to maintain their interest? Can it last?
> *Please email [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> if you wish
> to register to attend the event. Attendance is free of charge, but
> registration is necessary to guarantee a seat at the symposium, and to
> confirm numbers. Drinks will be made available, but not lunch. Please email
> if you have any queries.*
> Please use the following links to find further details and information
> about the symposium, including the schedule:
> Dr Jonathan Wroot
> Sessional Lecturer, Film Studies,
> Institute of Humanities and Creative Arts,
> University of Worcester.
> PhD awarded by UEA
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
> University of Alabama:
kenneth w. harrow
faculty excellence advocate
professor of english
michigan state university
department of english
619 red cedar road
room C-614 wells hall
east lansing, mi 48824
ph. 517 803 8839
[log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: