Lecturing posts in Glasgow
Mon, 26 Feb 1996 07:37:00 +0000
Lecturing Opportunities in 1996
=46ilm & Television Studies - two lectureships
Applications are invited for two lectureships in the Department of Theatre,
=46ilm & Television Studies, both in Film & Television Studies. The
Department offers courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. It
is a highly regarded research and teaching department, rated 5A in the last
research assessment exercise. Two prestigious journals, Screen and Theatre
Research International, are edited within the Department. In 1997, the
Department will move into a new, specially converted building, complete
with a flexible-stage, 200-seat theatre and a 150-seat cinema.
Candidates are expected to have a proven commitment to research and
publication. The Department attaches importance to innovation in teaching
and assessment, and candidates will be encouraged to initiate development
in their own areas of interest.
It is expected that one appointee will have a proven research interest in
film; the other will have a research interest in television. In film, an
interest in non-English language cinema and/or in early cinema will be an
advantage. In television, we hope to attract applicants with an interest in
non-UK television and/or in video.
One appointment will be on the grade A lecturer scale (=A315,154 - =A319,848=
The other appointment may be appointed at any point on the Lecturer scale
up to a maximum of =A322,374, depending on age and experience. One
appointment will commence in October 1996 ; the other will commence in
January 1997.
=46urther particulars may be obtained by consulting the document:
or from the Academic Personnel Office, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12
8QQ, Applications (8 copies), giving the names and addresses of three
referees, should be lodged on or before Friday, 19 April, 1996 for the Film
and Television Studies posts.
Technical Resource Development Officer,
Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies
University of Glasgow,
Scotland, G12 8QF
fax 041-330-4142
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