SCREEN-L Archives

May 1991


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 May 91 11:39:02 CDT
Resent-From: Jeremy Butler <JBUTLER@UA1VM> Originally-From: Joan Korenman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Feminist film theory has become such an integral part of screen studies
that I thought SCREEN-L folks might be interested in this new list
dealing with women's studies...
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
WMST-L@UMDD - Women's Studies List
[log in to unmask] (Internet address)
   WMST-L has been formed to facilitate discussion of Women's Studies
   issues, especially those concerned with research, teaching, and
   program administration, and to publicize relevant conferences, job
   announcements, calls for papers, publications, and the like.  It is
   hoped that the list will also serve as a central repository for
   course materials, curriculum proposals and projects, bibliographies,
   and other files related to Women's Studies.  If you have materials
   that you'd be willing to put on file, please contact Joan Korenman,
   Women's Studies Program, U. of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore,
   MD 21228-5398 (KORENMAN@UMBC or [log in to unmask]).
   To subscribe to WMST-L, send the following command via e-mail or
   interactive message to LISTSERV@UMDD (Bitnet) or
   [log in to unmask] (Internet): Subscribe WMST-L Your_full_name.
   For example:
     Subscribe WMST-L Jane Doe
   Messages for distribution on the list should be sent to WMST-L@UMDD
   or [log in to unmask]  Please note: only messages for distribution
   should be sent to WMST-L;  all commands (subscribe, signoff, review,
   etc.) should go to LISTSERV.
   Owner:  Joan Korenman (KORENMAN@UMBC)            [Bitnet]
                         ([log in to unmask])  [Internet]